The reach of your community or ecosystem's Twitter account will increase. Why? You have an army of followers who can be rewarded by Liking and Retweeting. Social logins can be used to interact with blockchains, which eliminates onboarding friction. Your tweet will likely be the most frequently Liked and Retweeted, as it will always be the first one on the page. You give your followers a chance to be rewarded. And happy followers can reward you with a Twitter visibility boost for your ecosystem.
By participating on Community Driven Engagement of large Twitter accounts, you can increase your Twitter account's reach and gain more followers.
First of all, you can be rewarded by engaging with content you like. Secondly, you support your Community or Ecosystem visibility and reach on Twitter.
You do not have to install any wallet. You can log in using your preferred social login. Particle Network will generate a wallet for you. Moreover, couple of first transactions with Platform Smart Contract will be sponsored by Tweet Booster platform. So you do not have to worry about the gas fees, which are needed to interact with Smart Contract.
This is very good question. There is no view on already running Community driven engagements for a reason. You have two options to receive notifications. Subscribe to @tweetboosterbot and turn on notifications. Or get notified by a Twitter account that promotes their Community Driven Engagement. This way, we would like to serve already existing followers first.
The reward is generated by emerging community or ecosystem accounts that participate on Community Driven Engagement.
Reward distribution is the following. Reward from selling spots: 30% goes to Last Spot Pot, 6% goes to Platform, 64% goes to Users, 0% goes to Creators of Community Driven Engagement. Reward from flipping: Flipper gets back 50% of previous Spot price, if get flipped, 0% from price increase goes to Flipper, 0% from price increase goes to Creators of Community Driven Engagement, 100% from price increase goes to Users. These parameters (except 30% for Last Spot Pot) can be changed within first 15 minutes after start of the Boost. After that, the parameters are locked by the Smart Contract forever.
The Last Spot Pot is funded by a percentage of the reward generated from the sale of all spots. The winner of the last spot, determined by the owner of that spot, will receive the prize. Each time a spot is sold or flipped the duration is extended by a couple of minutes to allow another player to compete for the prize.
You can withdraw your earned rewards anytime. You must be active at the time of withdrawal, which is the only condition. Notice, that you can Like or RT a tweet only when the Community Driven Engagement is on.